
This is a difficult movie to watch. It will confront you. It will upset you.
Don’t watch it now, rather, set aside some time when you are ready.
But please do watch it.

My own diet is predominantly plant based. I would not call myself a vegetarian as I occasionally eat fish and I consume dairy products. I have dabbled in veganism but found it really hard to stick to. I also wear leather etc etc.

The reason that I prefer not to eat meat is that I believe that it supports an industry of unnecessary cruelty towards beings that have far greater intelligence, and sentience than we appreciate.

It so happens that there is also a growing understanding of the magnitude of impact that the meat-based food industry has on the global environment.

The thing about this movie is that it is not trying to depict worst practice environments or isolated episodes of cruelty. Instead this documentary opens up the doors to the standard day-to-day existence of factory farmed pigs in Australia.

This is, in all probability, how the bacon you had for breakfast or in that burger you ate for lunch is made. 5 million pigs are slaughtered in Australia each year. This is their life.

We should remember that many pig farmers would complain that this film is misrepresentative of their industry and that there is a lot of emotional bias built into its production. Not to mention the slightly annoying narrator and music.
It is also certainly true that not all pigs in Australia are farmed this way (as is shown at the beginning of the film).

Please watch the movie all the way through, as uncomfortable as it may make you feel, and then evaluate your own reactions. Is this something that would change your current eating habits?

As for me, I am going to re-visit my own approach to eating a plant-based diet and I will explore this further in future posts.
Your own comments and opinions would be appreciated…..

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Shout me a coffee.

5 responses to “Lucent”

  1. The pigs at the beginning of the film were in a sanctuary?
    This is beyond cruel. However when on holiday in Italy last year I remarked to our tour director , I see plenty of hay bales but where are the animals that eat it? Answer – they are kept in sheds all their short lives and never see the light of day. This is contravening EU law but they do it anyway. I have never eaten veal and I’m becoming more of a plant eater. I tried veganism but I enjoy fish and dairy occasionally, and like you wear leather and wool.


  2. Deirdre Russack Avatar

    I grew up on a farm eating more meat than many and than was good for you. For health reasons I gradually stopped eating meat. I eat no meat and little dairy. Gradually I developed both an ethical and more recently an environmental stance in relation to meat and dairy. I encourage others to eat less meat and dairy.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I fear that our sympathy for the animal world decreases the further we move away from direct contact with it, I grew up on a mainly beef and dairy farm and while the adults would eat steak, no member of the family ever ate veal, that closeness with the stock they raised seemed to prohibit eating calves. I suspect modern farming methods also affect how farmers respond to stock, factory farming just further desensitizes people to the lives they are farming. I have a partner who is a committed carnivore, who I suspect just does not want to admit to the emotional and social complexity of the animals he eats. I sometimes find it hard to maintain the commitment to a plant diet, I also eat seafood, and there is always guilt with eating an animal derived protein.


    1. Thanks Sharon.
      I totally agree with your comments regarding the desensitisation of farmers. I have no doubt that many (if not most) farmers actually care quite deeply about their animals and have a far better appreciation of the life|death|food complexities than most of us consumers. Ditto with hunters.
      I would also say that right now if I was given an occasional portion of ham or bacon from a pig that had led a full and fearless pig-life and then been killed cleanly and humanely I would eat it without hesitation or regret. So I don’t​ want to come across as all holier than thou when it comes to meat lovers.
      This movie has jolted me to think some more around this whole situation. I will do some more reading, and reflecting and document my process in future posts…..

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I know what you mean Ian, I look forward to the posts. I really enjoy reading your insightful and intelligent posts.


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