COVID-19: Rule #666

All of us are currently adjusting to a whole new set of rules and behaviours as we settle into a intra-COVID-19 world.

Kelly and I have self imposed an additional rule on our relationship. I call it Rule #666

RULE #666

There will be no discussion either verbal, written, implied, mimed or via interpretive dance of COVID-19 or related political, medical, philosophical, strategic or academic opinions between the hours of 10 AM and 6PM unless absolutely essential.
Nor will there be any self-directed or intentional consumption of news or social media directly related to the topic.

At 6 PM beverages will be served (alcoholic or caffeinated) and all the above topics and their sources may become fully operational.
Let it all in, let it all out. No holds barred. Language advisory. Risk of explosion.

Breaches of rule #666 will result in an immediate fine of $1 payable to the person calling the breach.

Mental health.

We have found it necessary to impose Rule #666 to maintain our sanity, our mental health and our physical wellbeing.
That is, over the coming months if we don’t regulate our consumption of this stuff and look after each other we are going to both go batshit crazy and/or strangle the living bejeezus out of each other.

Help fuel my creative mojo.
Shout me a coffee.

7 responses to “COVID-19: Rule #666”

  1. Anne Stilwell Epstein Avatar
    Anne Stilwell Epstein

    LOVE it. Cheers!


  2. We are doing that every day week.
    It can be all consuming.


  3. I’d like to implement this at work too, I’d be rich!!!


  4. Am over it…everyday at work and then bombarded at night….I have never found Married at First Sight to be so appealing……


  5. Completely agree! Enjoying my walks in “ the nature “ listening to podcasts completely unrelated to this current situation, while I still can ! SBS news in the evening and Flick through FB.


  6. Valuable advice! There is more danger of divorce in my household than infection.

    Liked by 1 person

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