Climate change: all aboard the fuckedsville express.

When it comes to the topic of climate change, I am experiencing a deep existential dissonance right now. The mismatch between what I believe (based on my best efforts to critically appraise the scientific evidence) is going to happen, and the deliciously easy path of business as usual that I see all about me.

Sure, we are all talking about the weather and there are frequent mentions of climate change-related events on mainstream media, but the fact that we have now ALL boarded the Fuckedsville Express to complete planetary collapse is not reflected in the response of our leaders and holders of power.
Nor in our demands to hold them accountable.

To this point…..

A recent article published in The Guardian newspaper polled every available lead author or review editor of all Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports since 2018. These are some of the worlds leading and most informed experts on climate change. Almost half replied – 380 out of 843, a very high response rate.

Their views?

  • 77% of respondents believe global temperatures will reach at least 2.5C above pre-industrial levels, a devastating degree of heating.
  • Almost half – 42% – think it will be more than 3C.
  • Only 6% think the 1.5C limit will be achieved.

Lisa Schipper, at the University of Bonn, anticipates a 3C rise: “It looks really bleak, but I think it’s realistic. It’s just the fact that we’re not taking the action that we need to.” Technically, a lower temperature peak was possible, the scientists said, but few had any confidence it would be delivered.

So what does more than 3C look like?

Well, this is uncharted territory but it will definitely mean no more business as usual. Welcome to the great extinction, the great simplification, the great forget about….

Forget about picking up a Grilled takeaway on Friday night and settling in to watch Barbie on Netflix with the family. Forget about picking up your list of groceries from the supermarket. Forget about tickets for the latest Taylor Swift concert. Forget about Koalas. Forget about coffee. Forget about reliable healthcare. Forget about quality education. Forget about watching the news to learn about overseas conflict and political intrigue. Forget about job security. Forget about social media. Forget about the safety and sanctuary of your home. Forget about a bright future for your kids. Forget about peace. Forget about war.

In the face of such colossal danger, why is the world’s response so slow and inadequate? The IPCC experts overwhelmingly pointed to one barrier: lack of political will. Almost three-quarters of the respondents cited this factor, with 60% also blaming vested corporate interests.

This is an all-of-humanity emergency requiring immediate hurculean response from the worlds major powers. Political, economic, business and religious.

The sliver of light within this high confidence of gloom and doom is that some (albeit a minority) of the expert scientists polled believe there is still time to limit the badness.

The Fuckedsville Express does have an emergency brake.

However, most hope was heavily guarded. “The good news is the worst-case scenario is avoidable,” said Michael Meredith, at the British Antarctic Survey. “We still have it in our hands to build a future that is much more benign climatically than the one we are currently on track for.” But he also expects “our societies will be forced to change and the suffering and damage to lives and livelihoods will be severe”.

Enough of my venting. Go read the entire article yourself: We asked 380 top climate scientists what they felt about the future….They are terrified, but determined to keep fighting.

Help fuel my creative mojo.
Shout me a coffee.

3 responses to “Climate change: all aboard the fuckedsville express.”

  1. Melissa Benyon Avatar
    Melissa Benyon

    I used to be afraid that our current civilisation would collapse. Now I’m more afraid that it *won’t* collapse, that it will just drag on and on, with “growth” and “GDP” going up and up even as the planet’s real wealth – everything sane people love and value – is destroyed beyond repair, until a handful of trillionaires rule over the desolation. But I will never stop fighting to prevent this.


  2. Sadly, I awoke to read the same Guardian article, this morning. It comes on the tail of despair I am feeling this week. I learnt, the garden I lovingly built to feed many people, while nurturing the earth, is to be all but destroyed by the new owners. Despite my attempts to find like minded people to continue my vision, our move back to Canberra has meant a couple with money to buy a second home for a weekend retreat, have set out to make their mark. The tall, productive trees which lovingly shade the paths in Summer and let warm winter sun through in winter are tagged for removal. As are the old knarled pear trees which survived years of neglect by continuing to provide surplus pears to a neighbourhood. Mulberry and fig trees, the asparagus patch, all coming into their prime. The indigenous bushland, bringing small birds back to live in balance with insect life, all deemed useless.

    I struggle to see a healthy future for my grandchildren.


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