The growing up we need to do.

Let’s treat the land we live on well: it was not given to us by our fathers, but it was lent to us by our children.

—Masai proverb

Be it crack on mark… or one rabbit hole too far I will leave up to you to judge, but my belief is that all this talk of transition to renewable energies to meet so-called net zero targets is a distraction, a confusion, a con.

Our political leaders think this is about meeting conceptual targets when in reality it is about responding to existential threat.

The con: that we will transition to an alternate energy form that will support a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Sooner or later. We will put the planet back the way it was. The act of transition itself will generate wealth and prosperity for all built on new technologies and businesses.
Keep on doing what you are doing and we will take care of things.

The truth is just so unpalatable that few dare to taste it.
Not politicians, not the rich, and certainly not the poor.

Things are not going to be OK. They are going to be very NOT OK.
And we must prepare as the (probationary) custodians of this planet to do the absolute best we can with what is unfolding.

This will require individual introspection (this is an existential threat after all) and collective radical, compassionate, global, action.

In short, it will require a deep un-selfing. First, we reinhabit ourselves, then we reinhabit the planet.

Over at The Honest Sorcerer there is an article that I believe sums up the current situation with more than a little sobering precision.

Let’s face it: this unsustainable civilization is beyond repair. It needs hospice before it’s put to rest, not another day on life support powered by green magic and fairy tales of an “energy transition” which never was.

It’s time for us to grow up and let go of our childish dreams of technology and progress saving our sorry societies. We need a psychological transition into adulthood, not a material one into oblivion.

Instead of investing in futile attempts at replacing the irreplaceable, or trying to put the genie back in the bottle, we should be building out an alternative, resilient, local, low-tech, low-energy society — restoring ecosystems and figuring out a new living arrangement with the natural world as we go.

If that resonates….Read the entire article here: The Energy Transition Story Has Become Self-Defeating

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